Monday, January 25, 2010

A Lovely Apology...if Unnecessary

This is from one of my favourite jewelry stores - Purple Rose. A lovely gift from a wonderful man. Even if the apology was completely unnecessary... *besitos*

Purple Rose -

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Burning Heart Hunt

Since I've been back in SL from my LONG break, I've gotten quite addicted to the gridwide hunts. Through them I have discovered a lot of stores that were previously unknown to me - some of which have fast become favourites. I recently started the Burning Heart Hunt. I've only made it up to #9 so far, but already the prizes are quite nice.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Place Called Home

Over the past almost three years I have "lived" in many different houses on lots of different land. Sometimes with other people, sometimes alone..sometimes in rental homes, often my own. Hmm...I truly didn't intend for that to rhyme - but oh well. The point is, with a little help, I recently purchase a small island parcel in the wonderful Celtic Moon sim. It's a lovely little space - sand and surf, and gorgeous sunsets. Lag is rarely an issue and the neighbors couldn't be better! *grins* I love the house that I purchased and have mostly furnished with my own builds (although that's fodder for another post at some point). My new home is quiet and relaxing, and for the first time in a long time I truly feel content there. What a lovely little place to log in to and escape the craziness of my RL.